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5 Ways to Show Your Valentine Appreciation

by | Last updated Mar 9, 2022 | Published on Feb 4, 2022 | Blog

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate love and to show the people in your life how much you care about them. While it’s often associated with flowers and chocolates, there are lots of ways to show your Valentine appreciation and how much you care about them on Valentine’s Day.

And, the truth is that being a little creative is a great way to wow and surprise the people you love. Plus, it shows that you spent time really thinking about them and what would bring them joy. With that in mind, here are five creative ways to show someone you love them this Valentine’s day.

1. Write a Love Letter to Show Your Valentine Appreciation

In this digital age, we communicate all the time but rarely with written letters. The gift of writing how much you care about someone can have a big impact. Take some time to compose a letter letting your Valentine know how much you love them.

As you do, keep two things in mind: be specific and be authentic. The more details you can give about why you love someone, the more powerful the letter will be. Also, make sure that you are yourself. The more authentic you are, the better!

2. Make a Favorite Things Bag or Basket

Another great gift is a bag or basket of your loved one’s favorite things. This doesn’t need to be anything fancy or expensive – it can be as simple as their favorite snack, a favorite lotion, or a magazine they love. This is more about showing them that you know what they enjoy and are thinking about than it is about being a big gift. It’s a way to show you care and to make their day a little brighter.

3. Create a Photo Album or Journal

This idea involves a little extra work but can be a cherished gift. You don’t have to be a great writer or scrapbooker to do this, instead, it’s about putting together memories and recording shared experiences.

This can mean creating a photo album from dates, vacations, or life experiences. Or, it can mean writing a journal of your life together, documenting big moments, chronicling dates, or sharing some of your favorite moments together. Don’t worry about making this perfect, instead think of ways to document some of your favorite moments together.

4. Make a “Cookie Jar” of Date Night and Activities to Do Together

Write down date night ideas or activities you can do together. These ideas can be activities you enjoy doing together or new activities you’d like to try. It can be things you can do at home, like playing a favorite game or cooking a new meal, or things that take you out, for example trying a new bike trail or restaurant.

Put all the ideas on sheets of paper that you can fold up and then stick them in a bowl or cookie jar. The next time you have an evening or day off together, pick a sheet for an activity to do. This is a fun way to show someone that you value spending time with them and to make sure that you continue the Valentine’s spirit all year long.

5. Gift Them a Clean House

Few things feel better and more relaxing than coming home to a clean home. Amidst busy schedules and the demands of everyday life, taking care of some important chores can be a huge gift. You’d be surprised how well-received this gift can be – it means getting extra time to relax and spend time together and getting to enjoy the feeling that comes from a well-cleaned house. So as you prepare for Valentine’s Day this year, consider giving the gift of a little extra time and peace of mind by surprising them with a house cleaning.

Let Brighthouse Handle the Cleaning

As you prepare for Valentine’s Day, we’ll take care of the house cleaning. At Nashville Brighthouse, our five-star team offers luxury, green home cleaning services. You can show your Valentine appreciation by giving the gift of a one-time deep clean or ongoing cleaning services. Contact us today to help make this the most memorable Valentine’s Day yet.

For more fun Valentine’s Day ideas, visit this article in Good Housekeeping!

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